Are you missing your boat?

Barbara Nixon
2 min readJan 2, 2021
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Let me tell you a story….

Once upon a time there was a man who lived in a village. He was happy enough until one day a great flood hit the village.

As the water rose the man climbed onto the roof of his house where he was now surrounded by water.

Getting on his knees he prayed ‘please, please God save me from the flood. I’ve been a good man. Help me!’

Not long after a went past in his rowing boat.

‘Jump in’ he shouted from the boat

‘No, I’m waiting for God to save me’ the man shouted back.

Time past and a woman floated past on a raft. Seeing the man stranded on the roof she shouted:

‘Jump on, I’ll help you.’

The man shook his head…. ‘I can’t. God will save me!’

As the water continued to rise another man floated past on a canoe. Seeing the man clinging to his roof he shouts up to him ‘Quick jump in, the water’s rising’

‘No, I’m waiting for God!’

The water rose and sadly the man died. He arrived at the Golden Gates where God welcomed the man in.

Standing before God the man shouted ‘God where were you? I needed you and you weren’t there!’

God replied… ‘I sent you a boat, I sent you a raft, and I sent you a canoe what more did you want?!’

So, my question to you today is…are you missing your boat?

In this age of endless support, resources and information literally at our finger tips are you ignoring the exact thing that could be helping you out right now?

I’d love to know your thoughts.

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Barbara Nixon

Success and Leadership Coach and Founder of Smash Your Own Ceiling.